Richey Resources Co.

Helping the New Home Industry Since 1957

Tom Richey training saves and makes you money!


Builder Marketing and Prospecting

  1. Iceberg Management Seminar:  The seventies were construction driven ... the eighties market driven ... the nineties marketing driven ... and the 2000s and beyond will be technology driven. With the interplay of so many factors that influence the housing industry, a whole new set of rules  has emerged for success. The builder who thinks it's "business as usual" is deluding himself. The issues of money, construction, and sales, which lead to programmed profits, will be elusive for the best managed firms. We will look at thirty areas to address the housing management revolution.
  2. Marketing Consultation:  Tom Richey comes into your communities, interviews the marketing departments, trains the sales staff, shops the competition, analyzes industry comps, and makes recommendations to accelerate sales. A written report with detailed recommendations is tendered to management. You cannot get more customized and personalized than that!
  3. Home Builder Prospecting: In a market where buyers are few, Tom Richey brings multiple forces to bear to develop a prospecting plan for the builder's sales staff. A business plan is developed for each community and the staff is trained on the process of becoming a VBO (Variable Based Operator) not simply a FBO (Fixed Base Operator). Someday in this great housing industry, someone will give a party and no one will show up. Prospects are becoming scarce. Advertising rates are rising and results lowering. The buzz words today are multi-programming, outreach, social networking, and self-generation. Salespersons must establish a pro forma for prospect sourcing if they expect to meet or exceed goals. A business plan is developed for each community and the staff is trained on that process.

For information about the above training opportunities, please contact us.

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"Tom Richey is the consummate professional. His knowledge of the residential sales and marketing industry is legendary, inspiring new coun-sell-ors to new heights."

~Jim Ritchie, Senior Vice President, Tridel Corporation

Copyright 2013